
Slide [eltdf_button text="More info" target="_self" icon_pack="" font_weight="" text_transform="" link="/about/" color="#ffffff" hover_color="#ffffff" background_color="" hover_background_color="#ffffff" border_color="#ffffff" hover_border_color="#ffffff"] FOTAM 2020 Redefining Value Image of an exhibition In the Art Market A series of events & discussions Read more Slide [eltdf_button text="Watch the video now" target="_self" icon_pack="" font_weight="" text_transform="" link="/expanded-formats/" color="#000000" hover_color="#000000" background_color="#ffffff" hover_background_color="#ffffff" border_color="#ffffff" hover_border_color="#ffffff"] FOTAM 2020 Installation view of Helen Knowles installation Expanded Formats What if approaches to selling and experiencing art were based on deeper understandings? Watch video Slide [eltdf_button text="Watch the video now" target="_self" icon_pack="" font_weight="" text_transform="" link="/shared-infrastructures/" color="#000000" hover_color="#ffffff" background_color="#00ff00" hover_background_color="#66ff66" border_color="#00ff00" hover_border_color="#66ff66"] FOTAM 2020 Shared Infrastructures How can sharing resources or revenues, work within the art market? Watch video Slide [eltdf_button text="Watch the video now" target="_self" icon_pack="" font_weight="" text_transform="" link="/reconsidering-the-local/" color="#ffffff" hover_color="#6666ff" background_color="#0000ff" hover_background_color="#6666ff" border_color="#0000ff" hover_border_color="#6666ff"] FOTAM 2020 Reconsidering The Local What does it take to build smaller, multiple, connected art markets? Watch video Slide [eltdf_button text="Watch the video now" target="_self" icon_pack="" font_weight="" text_transform="" link="/redistributing-power/" color="#ffffff" hover_color="#ff6666" background_color="#ff0000" hover_background_color="#ff6666" border_color="#ff0000" hover_border_color="#ff6666"] FOTAM 2020 Redistributing Power How can value in the art market be reconfigured beyond the plantation? Watch the video

FOTAM 2020: Redefining Value in the Art Market was a programme of events and discussion which took place online 19 – 30 October 2020.

Following the success of the inaugural ‘Future of the Art Market’ Report and Unconference event in November 2019, FOTAM 2020 picked up on the shifts and challenges identified in the 2019 report, with many gaining new relevance in light of the disruptions and developments that took place over the course of 2020. The event series was structured around a conceptual framework, authored by programme Curator Lucy Rose Sollitt. The event series reflected on these changes and set out to address them by proposing that we need to redefine value in the art market.

Together we ask:
Can value in the art market be reconfigured beyond the privileged few?
What would be the economics of such models?

Watch Videos of the Events

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Curated by Lucy Rose Sollitt

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Creative United Scotland
University College London

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Share Your Reflections

Now that this year’s events are over, please take a moment to share any thoughts or questions you might have in response to the debates.

Reflections received will be collated by the team at Creative United and forwarded to the FOTAM Co-Conveners who will be invited to respond.

Ways to Share

Submit your reflections by email to us.

Use #FOTAMUK to share your reflections via social media.

We appreciate your contribution.

Image captions and credits
Slide show image credits: Intro slide Away With You, Rindon Johnson, Lucy Rose Sollitt and FACT Gallery; Expanded Formats; Trickle Down, A New Vertical Sovereignty, Helen Knowles, photo by David Oates, Arebyte Gallery,  2020; Shared Infrastructures Danz Totale Tanz Theatre – A Virtual Reality Dance Experience, © Interactive Media Foundation; Reconsidering the Local ‘Beans’ Belle & Sebastian, ‘Take me Home’ DJ Booth by Sandy Smith, The Local, 2008. Image courtesy of Patricia Fleming Gallery. Photo credit Alan Dimmick; Redistributing Power: Warm Worlds and Otherwise, 2018-20, Anna Bunting – Branch. Equirectangular stills from META, 360-degree video with sound by Aliyah Hussain, 15 minutes, 2019.
Thumbnail images (L to R):Image courtesy of Keiken; Image courtesy of Creative United; Learning to be Local. Design by Neil McGuire, commissioned by Patricia Fleming and DAAD FUTURISM GIF by Salma Noor 2020.